Cyfle Creu Fidios Bandiau Ifanc

Cyfle Creu Fidios Bandiau Ifanc

Fel rhan o brosiect TANIO rydym yn chwilio am gwmni neu unigolyn i gydweithio â phobl ifanc i ddatblygu fideos cerddoriaeth sy’n arddangos y talent eithriadol sydd yma yn Sir Gâr. Nod y prosiect hwn yw meithrin sgiliau talent ifanc a thynnu sylw at y gymuned greadigol...
Yr Egin Film and Adventure Festival 2024

Yr Egin Film and Adventure Festival 2024

SUBMITTING YOUR WORKFilmmakers, Students, schools, creative individuals, community groups or anyone else that may be interested! Canolfan S4C Yr Egin invite you to submit you films to Yr Egin Adventure Festival 2024. CATEGORIESWe have a panel of judges who view all...

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