Canolfan S4C Yr Egin has been awarded a new garden package by environmental charity Keep Wales Tidy.
They’re one of the first establishments in the country to benefit from the Local Places for Nature scheme.
Yr Egin will create a food growing garden on the centre’s land. The plants, equipment and materials are all being provided for free by Keep Wales Tidy. The package will be a great opportunity for Yr Egin to lead locally by demonstrating good practices to the variety of community groups that collaborate with it.
By collaborating with one of Yr Egin’s current projects, ‘Blaguro’, the package will be a way of extending that project by offering more opportunities to the social groups and movements that collaborate with the centre to grow vegetables on the site.
In addition, the garden will be a space for the creative community that works with Yr Egin, and an ideal venue for the University students and staff to relax and enjoy the fresh air.
Llinos Jones, Yr Egin Project Engagement Officer, said: “We’re extremely glad and grateful to have received this valuable package from Keep Wales Tidy, this will enable us to work closely with Carmarthen’s communities, giving people opportunities to work with and experience nature on their doorstep with high-quality equipment, and in a safe and creative environment.”
Last year, over 500 small gardens were created, restored and improved across Wales. Community groups and establishments of all kinds and size took part – from disability charities and youth groups to social initiatives and carers’ groups.
Louise Tambini, Deputy Chief Executive of Keep Wales Tidy, said:
“Over the twelve months, more people than ever have come to appreciate the value of nature on their doorstep. But urgent action must be taken to give reverse its decline.
“We are delighted that Yr Egin has had the opportunity to make a real difference through Local Places for Nature. We hope that other communities will be inspired to take part.”
The initiative is part of Welsh Government’s wider ‘Local Places for Nature’ fund, which is committed to creating, restoring and improving nature ‘on our doorstep’.
Hundreds of free garden packages are available. To apply, go to Keep Wales Tidy’s website www.keepwalestidy.cymru/natur