Filmmakers, Students, schools, creative individuals, community groups or anyone else that may be interested! Canolfan S4C Yr Egin invite you to submit you films to Yr Egin Adventure Festival 2024.
We have a panel of judges who view all films screened at Yr Egin Adventure and declare winners in each of the following categories (note that categories may change):
- Spirit of Adventure
- Responding to Climate Challenges
We will accept any type or length of film related to the above categories.
Any films under 10 minutes will automatically be entered into the short film category
The awards for each category are as follows:
- Best Artistic Film – to recognise cinematic creativity.
- Best Soundtrack Film
- Best Film made in Carmarthenshire – Films by local filmmakers or featuring local athletes and locations, recognising the talent of the County.
- Best Film in Wales
- Best Film outside of Wales
- Best Story – a Film that captivates and takes the audience on a journey.
- Special recognition award
- BEST OVERALL FILM – Both categories (Spirit of Adventure and Responding to climate challenges)
To submit your film, please use the link, here.
Here’s what you need to know before you submit:
- Please supply the film electronically (ideally at least 1920 by 1080).
- Please send files to helo@yregin.cymru via Vimeo (please turn on the download link), WeTransfer, Dropbox or any other method which you may already use. Please enable us to download the films. If you have any questions, you can email us.
- Accepted formats: MOV (H264) or MP4. Unacceptable formats: ProRes. For other formats we suggest sending a small sample prior to the main file.
- Films in any language other than English, MUST have English subtitles. Subtitles should be embedded within the video, not as a separate file.
- ACCESSIBILITY – We are working towards screening film sessions accessible to the VI/Blind and d/Deaf communities. We encourage all filmmakers to submit OC (Open Captions) and AD (Audio Description).
If you have OC please submit one version of your film with OC burned in, not as a separate SRT file. If you have AD please submit with the AD as a separate audio channel in the above file. - SUSTAINABILITY – We encourage you to tell us, in your own words, how your film addresses sustainability. We’re looking at both the actual process and practice of making the film, the carbon footprint you think it has during production, but also whether there is a call to action in the film which will encourage others to act in a sustainable way. Any details you can provide will help us gain insight into this. Note that ‘not’ submitting any sustainability notes does not negatively impact on your submission, it is simply a way we are trying to encourage sustainable filmmaking.
- All entries give the right to Yr Egin to screen your work up to 3 times during the festival and for 1 other screening before the end of 2024.
- All submissions will be retained by the festival for adjudication, and archival purposes.
- By submitting a film to the Festival (and agreeing to these terms and conditions) you are confirming that all necessary permissions have been sought from contributors to the film, and royalties paid, including ‘release’ from those appearing in the film, and creators of any soundtrack/music, and you indemnify us against any liability that may occur through breach of copyright.
- We may use a clip from the film in the festival trailer and/or to promote the festival. Note that this trailer/promo will be used online and on air to promote the event. If you would prefer us not to do this, please let us know.
- If you send us your website address and social media handles/tags we will do our best to direct people to you, and where possible, watch or buy your film.
- Submission of films does not guarantee their showing at the festival.
- If your film is selected, you agree not to expect or request a screening fee.
- Your submission must have been created after January 2022.
- The electronic submission of any entry to the film competition implies acceptance of all the above procedures and regulations by the Entrant.