by Lowri Johnston | Ebr 12, 2022 | Newyddion
Menna Elfyn, Emerita Professor of Creative Writing at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David launched her new volume of poetry entitled ‘Tosturi’ [Compassion] on the 8th of April 2022. During the launch held at Canolfan S4C Yr Egin, there were readings...
by Lowri Johnston | Ebr 5, 2022 | Newyddion
It was brilliant to welcome Ysgol y Dderwen Eco Council to Yr Egin this week. The group helped us plant for the community garden. The seeds are in the soil ready to germinate! The children had a pot each to take home with them with various vegetables to grow at...
by Lowri Johnston | Maw 17, 2022 | Newyddion
Students from the BA Filmmaking and Adventure Filmmaking from University of Wales Trinity Saint David have been fortunate recently to have an opportunity for work experience with the series ‘Jonathan’ in Canolfan S4C Yr Egin. Finley Prydderch on the set of...
by Lowri Johnston | Maw 10, 2022 | Newyddion
Carys Ifan, Director of Canolfan S4C Yr Egin, has received recognition for her excellence in the Creative Media in Carmarthenshire’s Celebration of Culture Awards ceremony that was held under the auspices of Carmarthenshire County Council in the Ffwrnes Theatre,...
by Lowri Johnston | Chw 24, 2022 | Newyddion
Canolfan S4C yr Egin in Carmarthen has just joined a Valued Partner Scheme for schools run by the Careers Wales service. At the heart of the creative sector in South West Wales, Canolfan S4C Yr Egin at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s Carmarthen...
by Yr Egin | Hyd 18, 2021 | Newyddion
Pupils from Canolfan Elfed in Carmarthen have visited Canolfan S4C Yr Egin recently as part of the ‘Blaguro’ project. The ‘Blaguro’ project, which is funded by the Arts Council of Wales, has established a community garden on Yr Egin land, where creative practitioners...